Constantly bombarded by the reports of  death and destruction in a world that has seemingly gone mad, and in the midst of a techno fueled generation gap, I take pause to look back and remind myself of times past.  Times that seemed so simple,  when our attainment in education was measured by our ability to master the 3R’s:  reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic as posited in the 1907 song “School Days.”  The 3R’s were basic.  Although the pursuit of them in modern days has almost disappeared, they remain foundational for success.

In our Spiritual Life, Easter reminds us of 3R’s. that must never be forgotten:  Redemption, Release and Resurrection.  On that Good Friday long ago, Jesus redeemed us.  Through his selfless act, we were restored to our position as sons and daughters of the only wise God our father.  Redemption for anyone who believes.   Redemption signaled our release from sin.  We are now free, truly free from the consequences of our sin nature.  The old missionary hymn reminds us that it is the task of Zion to publish glad tidings of Jesus – redemption and release.  The later gospel artist remind us that we are redeemed, if any should ask and that we are free, thank God, no longer bound, no chains holding.  Since we are born dying which is the wage for our sin, we look for restoration to our former relationship with our creator.  Easter reminds us that Jesus has given us a way back – eternal life is assured because of his resurrection.  There is a promise of a prepared place.  It’s basic.  Nothing new, just a reminder.

But there is a 4th R, that is often overlooked or down played even by those of us who call ourselves by the name Christ and that is rule.  If we claim Jesus as Lord, we must surrender ourselves to his total rule in our lives.  He must be our guiding principle in all our decision making on a daily bases.  We must accept not only his redemption, release and promised resurrection but we must sign  and seal our acceptance with our surrender to his rule.  Happy Easter one and all!

Rev. Gerald Adams is the retired pastor of Greater True Friendship Baptist Church. Rev. Adams now resides in Dallas, Texas
Rev. Gerald Adams is the retired pastor of Greater True Friendship Baptist Church. Rev. Adams now resides in Dallas, Texas