Home Business Where Politics Meet: Will You Go To The Prom With Me?

Where Politics Meet: Will You Go To The Prom With Me?


Reel Urban News Politics:

Apparently, as of Friday, over 60% of Iowans still haven’t decided for whom to vote. How is that possible? What more is it they need to lock-up their decision for Monday’s Caucus? This prom date phenomenon is becoming more and more prevalent. Back in October 2012, before the presidential election, there was a forum where the requirement to attend was that one was still uncommitted between Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney. So, 100% of the audience was uncommitted. I asked then, “How on God’s green earth are y’all STILL uncommitted?” It was irritating then, it is irritating now.

This weekend there will be a ridiculous number of campaign stops by the candidates who will plead with puppy dog eyes: “Please vote for me.” It’s like they are the boy asking the girl, “Would you please go to the prom with me?” The girls reply, “Maybe,” and then the girl just keeps stringing the boy along. The boy checks-in with the girl every now and then to see if she’s still interested in going to the prom. Truth be told, everybody knows the girl is entertaining prom date requests from several boys and each of those boys will check-in with her to see if she’ll finally make her decision to go with him to the prom. All the while, the prom date looms. Here we are, a couple days out and the girl STILL hasn’t made up her mind. Nobody is good enough for her.

True to human nature, instead of being introspective, we voters are disdainful and look to elected officials to fix everything and everyone. Yet we pontificate how they break promises, say anything to get elected, are self-serving, hypocritical, and yes, even stupid. On one hand we want someone who is an ‘average Joe’, able to relate, a straight shooter (insert story of blue collar parent here). On the other hand we want them polished, cultured, and educated (Ivy League, even better). Add a dash of charisma, a pinch of good looks, and shake vigorously. Voila! A perfect candidate…a perfect prom date. Oops, forgot to stir in platform positions and plan of action…that’s ok, those are optional ingredients, along with credibility, integrity, and candor.

What of the girl, the voter? Aren’t we a piece of work? We have our dress all picked out, but no one is good enough for us to go with to the prom. If apathy hasn’t claimed us, then ignorance is happy to oblige, and heading up the rear is the ever useless Switzerland stance- internally, we know where we stand, but externally, we just can’t seem to find our spine. If we can get past those excuses then the final test to pass is knowing why we believe what we believe. We sit smugly with arms crossed demanding the candidates to do this and do that. Say this and say that. We are so dang high maintenance with our unrealistic expectations it’s a wonder we can stand each other. There is no perfect prom date, but the perfect girl translates her belief to a vote which reflects her credibility, integrity, and candor.

Cynthia Shaffer, Political Editor, Reel Urban News, covers and writes about local and national politics from Northern California.
Cynthia Shaffer, Political Editor, Reel Urban News, covers and writes about local and national politics from Northern California.


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