Home Business Charles Barkley call’s former Sports Agent, Lance Luchnick, Scumbag

Charles Barkley call’s former Sports Agent, Lance Luchnick, Scumbag


After what happened in Virginia on Wednesday, this week of all weeks is probably not the time to make an appearance on a national radio show to talk about wanting to shoot someone. But Charles Barkley is Charles Barkley, so during an appearance on The Dan Patrick Show this morning, he had no problem talking about how much he would like to shoot the agent he signed with when he first came into the NBA. Barkley told Patrick about how he borrowed money from several agents during his college days at Auburn before signing with a different agent who ended up pocketing quite a bit of his money. He also said that he’d like to do great harm to the guy as a result of what he did.

“I borrowed money from agents,” Barkley said. “I have no regrets about it whatsoever. I needed stuff. I wanted stuff to do. You don’t have extra money [in college] and you can’t work. I really appreciate those agents having me. Only mistake I made was I didn’t sign with one of those three agents. I signed with a scumbag agent. I don’t want to mention his name: Lance Luchnick! If I saw him today, I would blow his damn brains out. I hate that SOB.”

Barkley went on to explain exactly how his agent got his hands on so much of his money.

“Back then—players are smarter now—your agent got you a paycheck,” he said. “He gave you an allowance and he invested the rest of your money, and I was getting $15,000 a month allowance just to have fun, and I’m a 21-year-old kid. You can’t give me—how much did I say, $15,000?—I was getting $15,000 allowance that came the first of every month. I didn’t care. He said, ‘I’ll invest the rest, OK?’ After four years, I was broke. Hadn’t paid taxes. I don’t want to mention his name: Lance Luchnick!”

Barkley then reiterated the fact that he’d love to shoot his old agent, even after Patrick asked him, “You don’t mean you would shoot him?” to try and get him to back off his original comments.

“I would, if I had a gun,” Barkley said. “I would beat his ass down like a dog. That’s the worst thing you can do to somebody, Dan, is steal from them. When you steal from somebody, you are saying to them, ‘I don’t respect how hard you worked for your money.’ When somebody steals from you, that’s what they’re saying…And Lance stole my money. He was a scumbag.”

We don’t blame Barkley for being pissed, assuming that what he said here is true (it’s worth noting that he’s had a problem with Luchnick for years now). But as we mentioned, this is definitely NOT a good time to openly discuss how much you want to shoot someone, given everything that has transpired this week.

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