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Is Business As Usual Therapeutic?

He has showed thee, O man , what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with the God?  Micah 6:8
It’s amazing how quickly we revert to “biz as usual” in the face of issues that need more definitive analysis and require positive action..  We use the term resilient to excuse our desire not to deal realistically with troubling circumstances.  As soon as an issue is no longer breaking news, we are back at it, biz as usual, that’s if we paused to begin with.   Not wanting to deal realistically, exacerbates the cancer which goes into remission when  its symptoms are treated only to return from remission with worsen conditions.
• Columbine called for an initial response to check gun control but the gun lobby in this country is so strong that the gun shows increased in popularity.  Now Texas just this year passed and had signed into law and open carry law.  Business as usual.
• Trayvon Martin’s death resulted in questionable court action.  The admitted killer was released and is still making headlines for his idiotic actions.  Biz as usual – Therapy?
• A series of police brutalities become the focus of braking news.  The shout “Black Lives Matter” is heard in the major news markets of the land.  The rift between law enforcement and people of color widens but the response of others not directly involved is “biz as usual.
• The call for preservation has been sounded.  We need a positive response to assure a safe environment for the future.  But “biz as usual” lessen our concern and our response.  Houses are lost in flood zones, on earthquake faults and in tornado alleys.  Climate change advocates are  looked at as nature fanatics and the deterioration of the planet continues at an alarming rate.
• Hackers , drone constructors and laser shiners endanger the lives of innocent people and we are told there is nothing that can be done or the acts that are being done are not unlawful. Is business as usual therapeutic?
• ISIS continues to infiltrate those who are not strong minded and to mask its activities under the banner of a “holy war.”  Therapy?
These are just a few of the issues that jump out of recent headlines.  Each requires individual action and severe investigation.  Can we really afford to continue  “Biz as usual?”  Justice, mercy and the deadly sin of pride go unattended even though prophetic voices keep telling us these issues must claim our collective attention.
He has showed thee, O man , what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with the God?  Micah 6:8
Rev. Gerald Adams
Religion and Cultural Critic


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