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Congresswoman Maxine Waters, remembers, the Watts Riots, Crack Cocaine and Public...

Congresswoman Maxine Waters is considered by many to be one of the most powerful women in American politics today. She has gained a reputation...

Former President Jimmy Carter Reflects On Cancer Diagnosis

One event that marred the presidency of Jimmy Carter still weighs on his mind, he said Thursday. In a press conference held to discuss the...

The Hon. Steve Bradford Reflects on the Watts Riots and Equality...

Prior to reflecting on the Watts Riots, the Honorable Steve Bradford, who is currently a candidate for California State Senate spoke with ReelUrbanNews.com about...


The first three GOP presidential contenders are freshman Senators (sound familiar?). In the order of their presidential announcement the contenders are Ted Cruz (Texas),...

Revolution without Morality

The struggle of the races has again boiled to a head in Baltimore. Much of the black community perceives it to be open season...

Hillary Clinton: I’m a Woman!

"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall...

“Let Us Reason Together” A Political Commentary

I used to think reason ruled the day. If I could just impart objective, statistic-laden, reasoned arguments, then...THEN my position would be adequately supported...

John Wood, Jr. The Young Republican

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p_aF4oQc8Q&w=560&h=315] In 2014, The National Review Online described John Wood, Jr. as a tough political challenger running against, U.S. Representative, Maxine Waters (D-CA) for...

The History of Black Republicans

Black Republicans. Once upon a time they abounded and they led with the courage and smarts of which legends are born. Pictured here is...

Black L.A. Young Democrats SOTU

The Los Angeles Brewing Company in the heart of downtown Los Angeles provided the perfect backdrop for a group of young to middle aged...