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Tag: Republican

Political Series: We’re Going To Take Our Country Back!

Reel Urban Politics: Cynthia Shaffer, Political Editor for Reel Urban News, recently spoke with several self identified Republicans from around the nation. Shaffer posed the...

Charles Barkley Bashes The GOP: “I’m Gonna Vote Democrat.”

“The notion that illegal immigrants are ruining our country… is total bullshit.” Charles Barkley supports Republican presidential candidate John Kasich, but plans to vote for...

The Life of Political Rockstars: First Palin, Now Trump

Reel Urban News Political: Palin. The only other political rockstar who could eclipse The Donald when it comes to the media's time and attention. And...

President Barack Obama Set To Deliver His Final State of the...

President Barack Obama will deliver a final State of the Union address Tuesday brimming with optimism — far more than most Americans possess. After six...


The first three GOP presidential contenders are freshman Senators (sound familiar?). In the order of their presidential announcement the contenders are Ted Cruz (Texas),...

John Wood, Jr. The Young Republican

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p_aF4oQc8Q&w=560&h=315] In 2014, The National Review Online described John Wood, Jr. as a tough political challenger running against, U.S. Representative, Maxine Waters (D-CA) for...

Theory vs. Reality

Ladies and Gentlemen...Leeeeet's get reaaaaaadyyyyyy to rrrrummmble!!! In this corner wearing the blue micro polka dotted tie is President Obama, college professor, current defender of...