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Michelle Obama elevates the nation with historic Democratic National Convention speech

As perhaps the last Democrat who could do no wrong in the eyes of the American people, Michelle Obama brought a divided audience to their feet...

One on One with National Security Expert, Dr. Casey Lucius

Reel Urban News Exclusive: Reel Urban News is proud to bring you a profile and exclusive interview with Congressional District 20 candidate, Dr. Casey Lucius...

Hillary Clinton makes history, First Woman to receive major U.S. Political...

Hillary Clinton has clinched the Democratic nomination for US president after reaching the required number of delegates, an AP tally suggests. The count puts Mrs...

Political Series: We’re Going To Take Our Country Back! Freedom of...

Reel Urban Politics: As promised, we are in the strong Blue-hold state of California. Cynthia Shaffer, Political Editor for Reel Urban News, asked several self-identified...

From inside of the Donald Trump Rally turned the San Jose...

Reel Urban Politics Exclusive: I would hardly call what unfolded in San Jose, after the Trump rally, a demonstration or protest. What happened was a...

Charles Barkley Bashes The GOP: “I’m Gonna Vote Democrat.”

“The notion that illegal immigrants are ruining our country… is total bullshit.” Charles Barkley supports Republican presidential candidate John Kasich, but plans to vote for...

What Is The Worth Of The Black Vote?

Reel Urban News Politics: From Thomas Mundy Peterson to Barack Hussein Obama much has transpired in our Nation's struggle to manifest fidelity to the Declaration...

Where Politics Meet: Will You Go To The Prom With Me?

Reel Urban News Politics: Apparently, as of Friday, over 60% of Iowans still haven't decided for whom to vote. How is that possible? What more...

The History of Black Republicans

Black Republicans. Once upon a time they abounded and they led with the courage and smarts of which legends are born. Pictured here is...


Whether you pull a lever, punch a card, draw a line, touch a screen, or write in a name. Vote. Whether you do it...