Home Business The Life of Political Rockstars: First Palin, Now Trump

The Life of Political Rockstars: First Palin, Now Trump


Reel Urban News Political:

Palin. The only other political rockstar who could eclipse The Donald when it comes to the media’s time and attention. And whatever the media report, some of the electorate will believe hook, line, and sinker. Actually, some individuals are so elevated they even eclipse the media. And so it is with Palin. From Saturday Night Live to the Satira Tribune some of the electorate eagerly consume even parody and satire as the gospel truth.

Which brings one thought to my mind: In our fundamentally transformed America where political correctness now reigns, even at the expense of reason and rationale, how is it that someone like Palin is exempt from that filter of political correctness? Meaning, society’s non-imposition of political correctness on her, not Palin’s reputation for being politically incorrect. Not that I am amazed it is perfectly acceptable to apply a double standard to some and not to others, but that some of the electorate would be so publicly prominent about their overt prejudices without so much as a sniffle of challenge from the bulwarks of equality and justice. Some of the electorate carelessly think of and treat others in a way they themselves would not like to be thought of and treated. Alas! Such as life in the fodder world of Hope and Change.

But, literally, that was last week’s news and in the money world of Trump, there is only PLAY and FAST FORWARD. This week, the media and the electorate are frenzied about his announcement that he will not attend tonight’s Republican debate. Why is that so shocking considering Rand Paul decided not to attend the previous Republican debate? Yes. Yes. Line up the differences between Trump’s debate boycott and Paul’s debate boycott, but somewhere in that list of differences will be an asterisk that transcends reason and rationale…and THAT is the double-edged sword of life and death in the world of politicking and it’s the voter who determines the edge for himself; hence the asterisk. The asterisk is that quality in a candidate that transcends all the objectiveness that the public expects to be used when someone applies for a job…when they apply for a job themselves. Experience, education, etc. Surely, no one believes it is fair to be hired based on nepotism, cronyism, or “feelings”, but oh how it happens when the ball is in our court to be the final arbitrator of who gets the job and who doesn’t!

As I reflect on the Elected from the local level to the presidential level: We, the Electorate, are “hiring” someone for a job of which very few of us have a comprehensive understanding. Others, not even a modicum of appreciation. We impose criteria and prejudices that we ourselves would not be able to withstand. We impose a double standard that in some respects leads to self-loathing. And finally, many of us are unable to articulate why we support this candidate or that candidate based on the issues. Instead, the subjectiveness of the vote is front and center. The pundits and the media are having a hard time nailing down that asterisk for that would entail doing some actual groundwork with the electorate and that is just a waste of time; after all, they know what’s best for us, so why don’t we, the Electorate, just sit down, shut up, and follow the leader?

“Every nation gets the government it deserves.” –Joseph de Maistre

Cynthia Shaffer, Political Editor, Reel Urban News, covers and writes about local and national politics from Northern California.
Cynthia Shaffer, Contributing Political Editor, Reel Urban News. Cynthia covers and writes about local and national politics from Northern California.



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