Home Media & Arts My motto for Election 2016: I’m Disturbed that I’m not Disturbed

My motto for Election 2016: I’m Disturbed that I’m not Disturbed


“Every nation gets the government it deserves.” —Joseph de Maistre

Upon further review of my sociopathic view of the 2016 presidential candidates, I realize that I am thoroughly disturbed by The Electorate. Not necessarily for whom they will vote, but how in the same breath they talk about how awful the candidates are, and then proceed to behave the the same way. In some ways it’s worse because we are witnessing family, friends, and fellow men being vicious with each other. We can hardly be decent to each other, let alone have an intellectually honest and thoughtful conversation with each other.

For all the hoopla and indignation the past 18 or so months regarding the candidates, the one subject that has barely registered on The Electorate’s radar is abortion. The political vernacular of pro-choice and pro-life serves no purpose, but to foster the prejudices that come with the use of those labels. The following is not a condemnation regarding abortion, rather a call to action for the consideration of…life.

Today, Roe v. Wade is to babies what the Three-Fifths Compromise and the Dred Scott Decision were to Blacks: a denial of life as a fully recognized human being. Categorizing one as less than human allows the superior human to make haste in treating one who is less than, no better than property. The fate of such property the superior human has a right to decide without reservation of conscience, permission, or question.

Sanctioning the Three-Fifths Compromise and the Dred Scott Decision today is incomprehensible. Yet, in those times is was common place to believe Blacks were less than human. It was an accepted practice. Although they, too, were created equal, Blacks were denied the dignity and decency to be recognized as human beings with all the rights and privileges of a United States citizen. And so it is today with babies. It is common place to believe they are less than human. It is an accepted practice. Although they, too, are created equal, they are denied the dignity and decency to be recognized as human beings with all the rights and privileges of a United States citizen.

What I find most remarkable is how, unlike the men who did all the work of the Three-Fifths Compromise and the Dred Scott Decision, it is we women who have led the charge to re-define a baby’s life to that of our Choice to make without reservation of conscience, permission, or question.

If the People can get past the sound bytes of abortion and really delve into what it’s all about, perhaps there could be a turning of a Nation’s heart and a manifestation of justice as it happened on December 6, 1865. Read the ratification of the 13th Amendment. Research. #Thinkforyourself.

Cynthia Shaffer, Political Editor, Reel Urban News, covers and writes about local and national politics from the great state of Texas.
Cynthia Shaffer, Political Editor, Reel Urban News, covers and writes about local and national politics from the great state of Texas.

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