Home All Posts Alumni of Verbum Dei High School, Los Angeles “Stone Soul Picnic”

Alumni of Verbum Dei High School, Los Angeles “Stone Soul Picnic”



“We call it the Stone Soul Picnic – We came up with this because it was time to get us together. We try to do something every other year with the guys. It might be in a formal setting or informal setting. This is an all alumni sponsored pot-luck all out of our pockets.”

The Stone Soul Picnic played host to a wide range of graduates from Verbum Dei High School through the decades. According to Lance Cowart, the response had been positive. “It’s been definitely positive. The guys are happy to be here. I think it’s well over a hundred people out today. I think there are about 120 or 130 people here.”

Wading through the crowd and nearly greeting every guests and former Verbum Dei alumni, Lance in all white, received encouragement and sincere appreciation for his efforts. “Thank you for doing this, we’re happy to be here. Keep doing what you’re doing.”

With the success of this years “Stone Soul Picnic” Cowart remains optimistic about future activities. “If we do it, hopefully it will be on a larger platform and we’ll make it a little larger.”


“Being of the first graduation class of Verbum Dei……”

“Being the Dean at Verbum Dei we know not to give up the microphone. Because once you give it up to a Verb guy, he then becomes an entrepreneur, an owner of a business. He becomes very special or he’s screaming for all of us to get out of the way because the sheriffs or cops are coming after him…….”

“I was working with the Urban Academy in Compton and I was a little disappointed because we were going to take our Black and Brown brothers from the inner city, Compton, Los Angeles and Watts… in particular Watts. I grew up in Watts. And of course how can you leave Watts out of anything. That’s where home is.”

“We’ve opened our own academy ‘USA Best In The West Baseball Academy.’ And the goal is to give our little brothers and sisters in the inner city in particular Watts, Compton, West L.A. an opportunity to play high level baseball and softball. We are starting the neighborhood traveling all star baseball team. We are looking for coaches and team moms. Ladies if you want to coach, we’re your guys.”

“The one thing we’re asking my brother, is to give these kids a hand that you received when you were going to the Verb. Because the hand that I received when I was going to the Verb came from a guy who took me out of detention/ jail or other words…. We are going to mentor every kid in our program. We’re going to teach them baseball to the highest degree possible.”

” Thank you so much and long live the Verb!” Coach Pete

Special appreciation to Lance Cowart and the Alumni of Verbum Dei High School.

Text excerpts are from Lance Cowart and Coach Pete.

Photo Credit: ReelUrbanNews.com / ReelUrbanImages



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