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An Ode to Black Motherhood


By: Jasmine Gates

Have you ever thought about what it would feel like to nurture something so beautiful and dope that when it was exposed to the world they could not help but be influenced and drawn to imitate what was created as a result of your love, the sincerity of your passion and the richness of your soul.

I am not a mother but I am a product of Black Motherhood and it is one of the most sacred groups to ever exist. Black mothers are the birth givers to the culture and communal concepts that shape the world. The irony is that this same world is both consciously and subconsciously taught to hate their offspring.

Throwing off the yoke of respectability politics in single Black mamahood. Photo Courtesy: The Black Motherhood Project

So of course raising Black Children is an assignment that consists of fighting against the odds even from the very beginning. It starts from the sacrifice our mothers make with their bodies, fighting to stay alive because statistics show that Black Mothers are three to four times more likely to pass away during their pregnancy. These statistics are true testaments to the strength and perseverance our mothers carry, even if they took their last breath, so that we could take our first.

Along with these harsh realities, there is a blanket of serenity that our mothers instill in us that teach us how to exist in a world where we have to be twice as good to receive half the credit. While reminding us that this is just a social norm and not to be mistaken as being equivalent to our worth.

Photo Courtesy: The Black Motherhood Project: Immersive Art Exhibition

As a daughter of Black Motherhood I can admit that it is not a road of flowers and ease and this was made clear to me, one, through my own intricate relationship with my mother. Also, l as I sat and watched a beautiful upcoming documentary entitled “The Black Motherhood Project” Filmed by Onyekachi Iwu and Produced by Ayo Osobamiro and Ketsia Zinga, all students at Columbia University in New York.

This project made me realize that our mothers are often in a space of healing from their own traumas, as they create a safe space, that does not reflect their internal struggles, for their children. Often times our mothers do not speak on the things that haunt them, but they live so boldly and provide the greatest intangibles for us without charge. This selflessness that rest on our mothers is a gift that we wouldn’t have imagined to think of, they heal us when they are broken, fight when they are defeated and give when they have no more. Yet, the most beautiful thing about it is most times you will never know.

We are undeserving of such a gift but ultimately grateful to be the fruit of their wombs. We are ultimately grateful we get to embody their legacy and we are ultimately grateful to be an extension of their greatness.

“A Mother and Daughter” Jasmine Gates Standing With Her Mom, Bernetta Gates.

Black Mothers, You are fighters and are the epitome of advocacy and grace, you are a big part of the reason many of our dreams have went from being deferred to becoming accomplished.

Whether you realize it or not your love, passion and the richness of your souls have been keys to our progression in this world.

Not only do your sons and daughters benefit from your diligence, but the world is better because of you and for that we thank you.

Jasmine Gates, Contributor, ReelUrbanNews.com and Community Resource Who takes pride in Educating. @_jasminerenae


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