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As We Enter 2014


What then shall we say to (all) these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31 (Out of context)

Two days into the new year, over sixty people had to flee a burning apartment complex. Some, including senior adults, had to jump from the second story of their units to safety. When ask by a reporter how she felt after the jump and the fire, one senior saint said, “I’ve lost everything and my back is hurting” but seeming to catch herself in mid sentence, she quickly added “but praise God I’m still here.”

2013 was not the kindest year for many of us. Death and destruction, all around from school shootings, plant explosions, terrorist activity, changing weather patterns and the like, could have robbed many of their hope. But our final affirmation is but thank God we are still here.

Now as we enter the uncharted course of 2014, we can just join with Ira F. Stamphill who taught us to sing in 1914:
I don’t know about tomorrow, It may bring me poverty;
But the one who feeds the sparrow, Is the one who stands by me.
And the path that is my portion, May be through the flame or flood;
But His presence goes before me, And I’m covered with His blood.

Many things about tomorrow I don’t seem to understand;
But I know who holds tomorrow, And I know wino holds my hand.

By: Rev. Gerald Adams
Global and Social Blogger


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