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Carpe Diem!


November 6, 2012. Election day results. We have the same President. The same House. The same Senate. Everything’s the same. Or is it?

November 7, 2012. We have the same President. The same House. The same Senate. Difference is, it’s a new day.

What a difference a day makes. In the battleground states there is sweet relief from all the political ads. It’s good to be wanted, but the smothering was hard to endure. These states are like the strong-willed child who receives all the attention amongst the siblings. In the betrothed states, there was bittersweet acknowledgment of why no ads ran. It’s good to be spared, but the ignoring was hard to endure. These states are like the obedient child who receives little attention as he watches the family’s resources be showered on his strong-willed sibling. Beyond the ads, this family analogy seemed so magnified this time around as the election outcome rested on the will of the strong-willed.

Be that as it may, our government is merely a reflection of the will of the people. The implication? The political relations will merely reflect political relations among the people. If social media is any indicator then it behooves us, the people, to take a breath and think of how we want government to behave, and then act accordingly. For whatever our standard is then it is to that standard we’ll hold our public servants accountable to do the same. If we would but only “reach across the aisle and exercise bipartisanship” in our own lives then we would be able hold the President and the Congress accountable to do the same.

Day by day we raise up the next generation and we teach them. Whether we take an active or passive role, we teach. Day by day we make decisions which ripple out far beyond space and time. Whether we honor that responsibility or not, choices have consequences. Day by day we look in the mirror, but do we truly see ourselves? Our government is merely a reflection of the will of the people. The implication? We must look inward for the balm and not outward. Difference is, when will we seize the day to do so? Carpe diem! Oh, what a difference a new day can make!

By: Cynthia Shaffer
Cultural & Political Blogger

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