According to recent statistics, the rate of sexually transmitted diseases in South Central Los Angeles and the surrounding area is at a crisis level. Denise Hunter, President and Chief Operating Officer of the FAME Corporations spoke exclusively with about the new initiative, Choose Well that she and other first ladies (Pastor Wife’s) are heading up to educate our youth about sexually transmitted diseases. “Choose Well, it’s not just about choosing well as it relates to sexual partners, but choosing well in every area of your life so that you increase and enhance the opportunity for all the things that God has put us here to do.  Although we recognize it in the church, abstinence is the ideal, but in order to do that we have to meet our youth where they are. With the growing numbers of sexually transmitted infections we recognize there is a lot of work to do. We’re providing our youth with the information that they need to make good choices and to recognize the risky behaviors that they’re in engaged in really do limit their opportunities and in some instances, shorten their life span.”  Denise Hunter, President and Chief Operating Officer of the FAME Corporations

“So many kids that we talk with about ( STD’s) feel invincible and all these things going on in the world really don’t affect them. We’re trying to get them to understand that it does affect them and that they have to make the right choices in order to protect themselves.”  Denise Hunter, President and Chief Operating Officer of the FAME Corporations