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Corporate Knowledge


ReelUrbanNews.com recently shared a unique opportunity with Anthony P. Carter, Vice President of Global Diversity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer for Johnson & Johnson. In our exclusive interview, Mr. Carter discussed the continued importance of diversity in corporate America. “Diversity is who we are and inclusion is how we work together. From a corporate and business perspective, it allows us to align strategy with our corporate strategy to insure that we get the very best people, the best talent to achieve the extraordinary outcomes that we are looking for as a corporation. And at Johnson and Johnson that’s serving customers and patients better.”  Anthony P. Carter, Chief Diversity Officer, Johnson & Johnson


Prior to the close of our exclusive interview with Mr. Carter, he shared with ReelUrbanNews.com the attributes that he believes have served him well during his raise in corporate America. “I feel very privileged, proud, honored and blessed to be in the role that I have. I am in a role where I report to the Chief Executive Officer of our company, and in so small means was that done by accident. I think that I’ve earned the privilege to have this opportunity that I have. It’s based on faith, confidence and respect that people have for me. In the role that I have its equally important to me that I’m respectful, that I’m equipped and that I’m cognoscente of those things so that I can be really effective in my relationship with others.”  Anthony P. Carter, Chief Diversity Officer, Johnson & Johnson



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