Home Featured Articles Dr. Darrell L. Williams for U.S. Senate for the State of Wisconsin

Dr. Darrell L. Williams for U.S. Senate for the State of Wisconsin


Reel Urban News Exclusive

“They will talk about what they will do. I will talk about what I have done.” Dr. Darrell L. Williams, Candidate, U.S. Senate for the State of Wisconsin

By Dave Devereaux

On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, I had the honor of interviewing Darrell L. Williams, Ph.D., the Administrator of the Wisconsin Emergency Management Division within the Department of Military Affairs, a position he was appointed to on July 15, 2019 by Democratic Governor Tony Evers.

“You mobilize your resources available and work with FEMA to get testing and vaccine distribution front and center once those become available.” Darrell L. Williams, Ph.D., Candidate, U.S. Senate for the State of Wisconsin

During the initial moments of our interview it was clear to see Dr. Williams is a real class act. Not only is he a product of an Historically Black College University, (HBCU) , he is a career veteran, an educator, and now a state leader. His experiences have led him to this moment where he is poised to announce his candidacy for the United States Senate for the state of Wisconsin. 

Not quite a year into his appointment as Administrator for Wisconsin Emergency Management Services or WEMS, he was faced with the insurmountable task of leading the state in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic efforts. When asked how this affected him he equated it as similarly being deployed in the military. “You mobilize your resources available and work with FEMA to get testing and vaccine distribution front and center once those become available.” 

He also brought in the National Guard for additional support in these efforts. Dr. Williams always focused on providing a humanistic approach to public service and considered this a unique opportunity to support the state. This was a daunting task, but a challenge he readily took on having had experience in pulling resources together for the greater good.

“My efforts focused on accountability of the police, not defunding. I believe that meeting to listen and build relationships along with trust and confidence is a key way to calm the fight and begin toward a more collaborative plan of action.” Darrell L. Williams, Ph.D., Candidate, U.S. Senate for the State of Wisconsin

Simultaneously, Dr. Williams addressed the two-fold issues that were affecting not only Wisconsin but the nation and the world. The racial unrest caused by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police put extra pressure on his office as he was forced to address the civil rights issues surrounding this matter. Unlike many leaders, he went to social media and addressed the issue by calling it what it was. He acknowledged that we were at a difficult crossroad and unless we work together, both COVID-19 and racial unrest could be a much larger ongoing problem. He states, “My efforts focused on accountability of the police, not defunding. I believe that meeting to listen and build relationships along with trust and confidence is a key way to calm the fight and begin toward a more collaborative plan of action.” Dr. Williams feels listening to the people is critical. 

According to Dr. Williams, another explosive issue confronting local and state governments is the vast number of military-styled militias in the state of Wisconsin. “They can fuel civil unrest by their mere presence,” stated Williams. With racial unrest on every media outlet, they appeared to add another layer of angst while citing their First Amendment rights. Recent statistics from the Southern Poverty Law Center reveal there are 10-plus active militia groups operating in Wisconsin. Williams states that “Not all militia are active within Wisconsin, they are also active in neighboring states of Minnesota and Michigan.” 

Dr. Williams honors and celebrates Cinco De Mayo with a family of Latino heritage.

Dr. Williams is a strong believer that conversations should take place with those that do not always look, think, or act like the status quo. Again, his approach is to hear the voices of all. He noted a very interesting finding during this time: “Not all white supremacist groups have the same goal and some do not even stand on racist or discriminatory platforms.”

Dr. Williams has earned several awards and accommodations for his outstanding military service including the Bronze Star Medal and the Purple Heart Medal.

With 29 years of service in the United States Army inclusive of combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Williams has earned several awards and accommodations for his outstanding military service including the Bronze Star Medal and the Purple Heart Medal. Dr. Williams is more than an advocate for the military, he is a member of the military family.

“I am adamant about supporting our military personnel by providing comprehensive mental health services for them. This is an area that continues to be overlooked by many politicians.” Darrell L. Williams, Ph.D., Candidate, U.S. Senate for the State of Wisconsin

Dr. Williams knows that his military experience has given him exposure to many of the issues that Wisconsinites and the country as a whole are plagued with. He states, “I am adamant about supporting our military personnel by providing comprehensive mental health services for them. This is an area that continues to be overlooked by many politicians. They make promises, but fail to fully implement them.” With his voice in Washington D.C., Dr. Williams will push to make this a more attainable goal to protect the men and women of our military forces. 

Dr. Williams is photographed with the Principal Of The Year Award. “I believe in collaboration and discussion having created platforms for these students to be heard. We created a safe space for the students to articulate their issues while encouraging empowerment.” Darrell L. Williams, Ph.D., Candidate, U.S. Senate for the State of Wisconsin

As an educator for 25 years who has worn many hats during his career as teacher, principal, and superintendent, Dr. Williams feels he is prepared to address issues affecting our schools. He knows that kids must be prepared to be competitive nationally and on the world stage. Dr. Williams cites, “Access to broadband services is a right, yet it is still a disadvantage to poorer communities who do not have it.” 

The recent distance learning due to COVID-19 proved that our educational system was not prepared to provide access to all students. Dr. Williams complimented the jobs that our teachers have done and continue to forge through but will admit that some kids still suffered due to a lack of technology. He also lists teacher pay as an important topic and will fight for greater pay for educators. 

A more serious tone of this discussion comes when he speaks about diversity and equity within education. He clarified the differences that many express when talking about diversity in the classroom and how students deserve to see a teacher that looks like them at some point in their primary school years. He acknowledges the nuances that prior administrations have focused on less, such as LGBTQ rights within the school community and addressing Asian hate issues that have become so prevalent of late. “I believe in collaboration and discussion having created platforms for these students to be heard. We created a safe space for the students to articulate their issues while encouraging empowerment.”

“They are very supportive and well aware of my dedication to public service.” Darrell L. Williams, Ph.D., Candidate, U.S. Senate for the State of Wisconsin

In the closing moments of our exclusive phone interview, I asked Dr. Williams how his family feels about his forthcoming U.S. Senate candidacy, thrusting himself and family members onto a major stage? “They are very supportive and well aware of my dedication to public service.”

As a devoted husband and father, Dr. Williams teaches his family to focus not so much on money, but on giving back and making a difference. 

“They will talk about what they will do. I will talk about what I have done.” Darrell L. Williams, Ph.D., Candidate, U.S. Senate for the State of Wisconsin

Voters in Wisconsin will elect one member to the U.S. Senate in the general election on November 8, 2022. According to Dr. Williams, what separates him from the other candidates vying for a seat in the U.S. Senate is; “they will talk about what they will do. I will talk about what I have done.”

On the morning of Saturday August 7, 2021 Dr. Darrell L. Williams will officially announce his candidacy to become the next U.S. Senator for the State of Wisconsin, Williams must unseat embattled Republican incumbent Ron Johnson.

Dave Devereaux is a retired public school principal and school administrator.
Dave is a Sr. National Editor and Opinion Writer at ReelUrbanNews.com.

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