Home Media & Arts EASTER 2015



Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Death has no dominion over Him!
And because he lives – Death has no dominion over me!

When I was first asked to do this piece, my initial response was no. I hung up the phone and was convicted by the day’s news which told of the death of university students in Africa to a greater or lessor degree simply because they were Christians. If accused of being Christian, I would have to plead guilty and suffer the consequences, so I am compelled to do this.

All over the world today, the chant will be heard: Christ is risen – He is risen indeed. How did we get here and what does it all mean. To fully understand the joy this day brings, we must begin with ourselves. Paul tells the church at Rome, there are none righteous, no not one. Since all have sinned, all face the wages of that sin but God has made it all right.

Jesus paid it all. Someone ask the question: Where you there when they crucified the Lord? Yes, I was there. I was in the mob at the cross and because of my flesh failures, I too was crying, crucify Him. But at the cross that Good Friday, after examining myself carefully, I knew that he was dying for me – there on the cross he was dying for me. I heard Isaiah declare: He was wounded for my transgressions and by his stripes I am healed. There on the cross, he was dying for me and now in his death my redemption I see.

His death alone was not enough. Then comes Sunday morning. Run and tell, he is risen as he said. Rejoice, rejoice oh Christians – Lift up your voices and sing. Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ our King.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!And because he lives, I am free. Truly free! Hallelujah!

By: Rev. Gerald Adams
Religious and Social Commentary
Guest Blogger, ReelUrbanNews.com

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