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Faith and Football: It Really is Big Business

Something for Sunday

In the state of Texas where I reside, football is more than a pastime.  It is big business.  One has but to look at the stadiums that are being built in some of the suburbs of Texas’ major cities that rival in cost and structure the arenas of pro football teams to grasp the importance of the sport to the state. 

Friday night lights are big news. 

High school athletes are scouted and recruited by colleges like college athletes are scouted and recruited by the pros.  It is more than amazing to watch how all this football emphasis plays itself out and sometimes it is hard to take it all in.

A second emphasis in our state is religion.  It also is big business but not quite on the same scale.  Religion gets intercepted by faith.  Although it is often tried, God cannot be shaken.

There is the basic human instinct to need a relationship with the transcendent.  We have to know that something is working for good in the midst of all that is evil.

What about football and faith? 

Catholics bring spirit to Green Bay Packers tailgate party lead by Rev. Quinn Mann
Catholics bring spirit to Green Bay Packers tailgate party lead by Rev. Quinn Mann

Church services that are held on game days suffer in their attendance.  In order to accommodate parishioners, some churches schedule tailgate and viewing parties at the church property. 

Worship services are compacted so as not to interfere with game time.  To be sure, true faith has nothing to do with organized religion but the church is viewed as being the meeting place of the faithful. Thus the question, what about faith?

The real answer comes from our understanding of the what of faith.  The wisdom writer comes to our rescue by telling us to “trust in the Lord with all our hearts.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Our confidence is in the Lord and not in football.  We trust God and not the home team.  We acknowledge the Lord knowing full well that “faith is the victory.”  

Although we cheer for our favorite football teams, we know it is God who directs our paths.

Rev. Gerald Adams is the retired pastor of Greater True Friendship Baptist Los Angeles. Rev. Adams resides in Dallas, Texas.

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