During the recent 102nd Annual NAACP Convention, ReelurbanNews.com spoke exclusively with Jacqui Patterson, Director of Climate Justice Initiative. According to Patterson, many African Americans neighborhoods and communities are extremely toxic. “Unfortunately 71% of African Americans live in counties that are in violation of air pollution standards.  It ties to the health effects that we are seeing in our communities. For example, 68 % of African Americans live within 30 miles a coal fire power plant.” These plants admit everything from mercury, arsenic to lead. These chemicals are tide to poor births outcomes, respiratory illnesses and learning disorders.”  Jacqui Patterson, NAACP Dir. Climate Justice Initiative



Patterson shared with ReelUrbanNews.com steps families can to take live in a greener environment. “We should concentrate on reducing our waste, make sure we are implementing recycling, as every person makes a difference in this effort and reducing our energy consumption.”  Jacqui Patterson, NAACP Dir. Climate Justice Initiative