Home Business I Feel like Trayvon Martin III

I Feel like Trayvon Martin III


This is the final blog of this series, and I have to say that this has been the most galvanizing topics that I have ever written about. I have had at least seven of my LinkedIn connections who are White ask me to remove them from the blog list. It was clear that they did not read the blog but made judgments based on the title of the blog and felt some sort of anger or guilt about its title. As stated in the previous blog, the response from my Black connections was dismal, at best, and I would like to have heard from someone that was Asian or Hispanic. Nevertheless, at least this blog presented an opportunity for dialogue.

In this last installment, we are going look at some statistics of how racism, sexism, and classism affect us all in the work place. We are going to start with some statistics on White males. I have to say that this was the hardest topic to research because there was literally no information out there. I searched a variety of topics on Google including; How Sexism Affects White males, Reverse Discrimination, Hypertension among White males, and Suicide Rates among White males. Until I searched suicide rates among White Males, I did not come across any information other than age-ism, or age discrimination, that would indicate that White males were the recipient of any form of discrimination. Now, you and I know that discrimination in some form or another affects everyone. Stop thinking that White males have everything handed to them on a silver platter because that is not the truth. In fact, my research has indicated that next to Native Americans, White males have the highest increase in the rate of suicides in the country. The following statistics are from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

• The greatest increases in suicide rates were among people aged 50 to 54 years (48 percent) and 55 to 59 years (49 percent)

• Among racial/ethnic groups, the greatest increases in suicide rates were among white non-Hispanics (40 percent) and American Indian and Alaska Natives (65 percent)

The increase in suicide rates is a result of higher unemployment and that is a fact not my opinon. A negative person may see this as the “chickens coming home to roast”, but a positive and compassionate person will see this as a problem that needs to be fixed. But, it will only get better when we all start to open up dialogue and talk about the problems that we face. Once that occurs, you will see that your problems are my problems, and his problems are her problems, and vice versa cause all God’s children got problems.

Age discrimination was another startlingly issue that has not be brought to light. There was a time when you saw an older person at home during the day, and they were home because they had retired or were disabled. Not now! Recently, I had a conversation with my neighbor who has been home quite often lately. I know this because I work from home, and I see him much more than usual. One day I asked if he had retired, and he told me that he had been laid off and could not find work at an acceptable pay rate for his experience level. This is an all too common plight for baby boomers. Many are known as the “99ers” because of they have exhausted their unemployment benefits which expire after 99 weeks of unemployment. When you think about it, 99 weeks of unemployment is almost two years. Here are some interesting facts:

• In 2005, some 16,585 age-bias complaints were filed with die Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

• Bias in hiring is the most prevalent form of age discrimination in the workplace (Anti-Ageism Taskforce (2006)

• The greatest increases in suicide rates were among people aged 50 to 54 years (48 percent) and 55 to 59 years (49 percent) (CDC)

• Older workers are perceived to be too inflexible, reluctant to embrace new technology, learn new skills, and lack the physical ability to perform strenuous jobs (AARP, 1995)

Are you sure that they didn’t hire you because you were Black, a woman, Hispanic, or an over educated White male? The reason may have been your age.

Sexism was another interesting topic to research. I thought that ladies had it a little easier since there has always been more women working at any facility or on any job that I have ever had. Even as an entrepreneur, I see more women at networking events than men. But, silly me! Check out these statistics:

• In 2006, women over the age of 25 earned 78.7 cents for every dollar earned by men
• In 2005, women over the age of 25 earned 79.4 cents for every dollar earned by men
• Female attorneys’ weekly wages amounted to 70.5 percent of male lawyers’ in 2006, compared with 77.5 percent in 2005

-Harriet Rubin, “Sexism”, Upstart Business Journal

Imagine working for a company, putting in 50 hours a week, and one night at the bar, you found out that someone hired after you or with less work experience and lower job ratings was being paid a greater hourly wage? Or, what if all things were equal, and they still were getting paid more? How would that make you feel? Maybe it’s not the color of your skin; maybe it’s your gender.

Of all of the information that was discovered while doing the research for this blog, the most startling had to be about a recent lawsuit against a company called Infosys, an IT outsourcing company. A female employee stated that most of the company’s workers were in America under false B-1 business visas (visitor for business visa). These visas allow foreign workers to come to the US to work temporarily for up to one year. She also claimed that the workers verbally insulted her by calling her a “stupid American”. Imagine that. A foreign company coming to American taking American jobs under the guise of outsourcing and discriminating against American workers. The world must be coming to end because this sounds just like reverse colonialism! Ironically, this company has been sued before for violated the B-1 visa rules which the plaintiff in this lawsuit claims is a practice that still persists. Maybe you didn’t get the job or was fired because you’re an American. For more information Google the visa fraud allegations against Infosys.

In closing, I’d like to offer some opinions on discrimination. I believe that discrimination or any sort of extreme bias behavior comes from someone who is lacking in self esteem. This person compensates by forming a superiority complex and no one ever measures up to their standards. In the movie “Monster’s Ball” in which Halle Berry falls in love with one of the prison guards who was assigned to her ex shortly before he was executed. The father of her new lover is a person that is full of hate. Eventually, the father is sent to an “old folks” home where he must spend the rest of his life alone. This is what is happening to elderly people and others with “extreme points of view” about others. Their children and grandchildren are marrying people from other ethnic groups, moving to diverse communities, befriending people from other nationalities, and letting them know that the old way of doing things is over. So, if you are one of these people, be aware. Time is running out, and things are changing!

Even in the business world, companies that insist on diversification are much more prosperous. According to Cedric Herring, of American Sociological Review, companies that had the highest levels of racial diversity made more than 15 times in sales revenue than companies with the lowest levels of racial diversity. 15 Times! Most of us that followed the civil rights movement can remember the pictures of the young college students being harassed at Woolworths. Where is Woolworths now? Now, more than ever, the country is crying out for inclusion. That inclusion, includes, Whites, Blacks, Asians, Native Americans, Indians, Russians, everyone! So, the next time you encounter a tough situation, don’t be so quick to call it racism. It may have something to do with your age, gender, or some other perception. This will not make your pain any easier, but understand ever rejection that you encounter is not about the color of your skin. Just realize that the offending person or people are most likely not operating on your level. Embrace inclusion with your family and friends; not exclusion. Embrace hope, love, and understanding, and you will see the heavens up to you and God’s blessings will begin to overflow. I am a living example and testament. God bless!

Walter Hines,
Bison Business & Technology Solutions

Financial Editor and Blogger

“I blog; therefore, I am!”

Twitter Account: @bisonbiz2012
Website: www.bisonbiz.com
Email: walter@bisonbiz.com

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