By: Tracey L. Roberts

Something For Sunday

If you’ve ever attended a Southern Baptist church, or any church for that matter, there is a recurring message: If you woke up today, you are blessed. No day is promised, so be thankful for the blessing of life. That is God’s greatest gift, life. As I watch and read the news about the many people who have succumbed to coronavirus, I am saddened. Many, if not all, passed without their loved ones beside them. I feel guilty that I feel blessed. I feel angry with the government’s response, or lack thereof, the lack of resources to prevent these deaths, and the inconsistent messages given to the citizens of this country. 

“I feel angry with the government’s response, or lack thereof.” Tracey L. Roberts

Before Covid-19 reared its ugly existence into our lives, I decided to leave my job of 20 years. My time had come to an end and I was excited about the prospects of my future. I was stepping out on faith. The last two years of my 20-year tenure was equated to a slow terminal illness and if I was going to survive I had to leave. So I chose me, I chose life. I was venturing into the unknown. I wasn’t afraid. I had ventured into the unknown a few times in my life before. First, going away to college to become a first-generation college graduate. I had to figure it out. My next journey was at 26 when I left Kentucky to move to California, with 200 dollars in my pocket and no job waiting, but I had the faith of a mustard seed. I gained employment within a week of arriving in Los Angeles. I knew if I stayed in Kentucky, I would not have achieved my life’s purpose. So I chose me. I rewired my life’s existence, and my faith was strong. I was unstoppable. I was blessed to be employed for 20 years with one company and achieved so much. I closed that chapter. A new journey awaited me. Then the virus ensued.

“Today, I renewed my faith, rewired my brain, created a new me, and restarted my journey. I am choosing to strengthen my faith and remain steadfast in my life’s purpose.  I woke up today, I am blessed.” Tracey L. Roberts

Covid-19 derailed me for a few weeks. I begin to question my decision. Instead of focusing on my purpose, writing, I fell back into my old pattern of choosing to do what I’ve done for 20 years because it is familiar, it is what I know. I began to submit resumes for the same job I left, that made me unhappy. I let Covid-19 become my writer’s block and let fear of getting sick, fear of going out, fear of socializing, fear of not being the perfect writer, and the fear of not being able to pay my bills dim my faith in pursuing my purpose. Today, I renewed my faith, rewired my brain, created a new me, and restarted my journey. I am choosing to strengthen my faith and remain steadfast in my life’s purpose.  I woke up today, I am blessed. I have a roof over my head, I am blessed. I am healthy, I am blessed. My family is healthy, I am blessed. I have food and toilet paper, I am blessed. My mind is powerful. I am blessed. I am an author, I am blessed. Focus on the good in your life and be blessed. Let go of the Covid-19 stress.

Tracey L. Roberts, National Editor,, hails from Louisville, KY. Tracey has worked in Environmental, Health & Safety for twenty years. She’s always been a writer and she’s embracing her pen power. Tracey resides in Altadena, CA.