I strolled down memory land and recalled days past when in the morning and afternoon one could sees groups of kids (innocence) on their way to or from school. They were playful, full of life with a need to know. The fights along the way which resulted mostly from pranks not well received were by the next day forgiven, and the trek was back to normal.

This was before, of course, when it because necessary for parents or guardians to accompany innocence. Admittedly dysfunctional families, kidnappers and pedophiles changed the course of that morning or afternoon time for growth and development. Technology also played its part.

Innocence suffered. I am constantly reminded of a lead in to a Gladys Knight rendition which says. as bad as they may seem, these will be the good old days for our children.

In the not too distant past, the nation mourned innocence. The leader of the nation, visibly shaken, called the roll of the 20. How touched we were and determined in that moment for this never to happen again. All too soon our agendas got crowded. Life does go on. Gun shows were held and people reached out to purchase these automatic weapons of mass destruction. Just the name,assault weapons, raises some very interesting questions such as: What is hunted with an assault weapon that fires multiple times? Who do they really protect? Why are they so available, even for sale online?

Our holy book tells us that a little child shall lead them. Let us not let innocence be totally destroyed by those who feed on innocence. Let Sandy Hook Elementary School constantly remind us of our need to be human for each other. Innocence needs that chance.

By: Gerald Adams
Culture & Sports Blogger

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