Home Business Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta, Provides Perspective on the nation’s current Political...

Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta, Provides Perspective on the nation’s current Political Climate

Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta with invited guests, Beverly Hills, CA.

Reel Urban Politics:

Described as an vision implementer and political statesman, the Honorable Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia spoke exclusively with Reel Urban News, while in Beverly Hills, California about the nation’s current political cycle and climate. “My perspective is, it’s a process. It’s a process we go through every four years with very high stakes. I’m just excited about the fight.”

“I think sometimes when you have a country that’s in the position that ours is in, one group represented by the Republicans, want to take the country in a direction that I think is backward. Then you have another group which is lead by the Democrats, who want to continue the work of President of Obama.”

“I think when history catches its breath, Obama is going to have one of the most consequential presidency in the life of America.”

Reed, the 59th Mayor of Atlanta, one of the nation’s most high profile cities admits we are seeing high stakes politics in action. “Just two weeks ago the Supreme Court reinforced the notion of one man, one vote. If you can imagine not having your vote count or your personhood count for the purpose of drawing congressional district lines. That decision was made within the last two weeks.”

“The next president will probably appoint 2 to 4 Supreme Court Justices.”

A seasoned politician, Reed shared his interpenetration of the political tee leafs. “Folk on the other side are really practicing politics of subtraction, and they’re not hiding it. They’re telling you in no uncertain terms they don’t believe in a bigger and more inclusive America.”

Our exclusive on camera exclusive interview with the Hon. Kasim Reed is coming to ReelUrbanNews.com.

Invited guests who shared with the Hon. Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta, Ga. in Beverly Hills, CA.
Invited guests who shared with the Hon. Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta, Ga. in Beverly Hills, CA.
Hon. Kasim Reed, Mayor, Atlanta, Ga. Interviewed by Michael Reel, Reel Urban News, Beverly Hills, CA.

Photos: Michael Billings/Reel Urban Images

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