Home Business President-Elect Donald Trump and the Mainstream Media War

President-Elect Donald Trump and the Mainstream Media War

Last week, it’s Trump v. Vanity Fair. Today? Its anyone’s guess. That’s all part of the President-elect’s bait the press plan, Michael Wolff writes in his new column:
The widely disdained media is the better, more inclusive enemy in the cultural wars — much better to rally around these days than gays and abortions. It is, as well, easy — diabolically easy — to pit the media against itself.
An example: After Trump met in an off-the-record session with a group of media executives and prominent on-air personalities, The New York Post, in what was widely regarded as a Trump leak, reported that he had delivered a blistering tongue-lashing to these media heavies.
But the heavies themselves reported, somewhat sheepishly, quite a charm offensive, with one figure of renowned earnestness saying to friends that if he had known this was what Trump was actually like, he might really have voted for him.
The likely method and strategy of the new administration will be to play the media this way: reveling in and courting its umbrage and attention.

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