Home Featured Articles President Joe Biden’s First 100 Days

President Joe Biden’s First 100 Days


Reel Urban News Op-Ed

By Umer R. Ranjha


Within the first 100 days of the new administration, as with any other administration, there is worry about losing seats in the mid-term elections. They are trying their best to avoid losing seats, yet implement their larger agenda/election “promises” as quickly as possible by simultaneously using a carrot and stick approach and procedural maneuvers. In some cases effectively, in others…not so much.


The administration has done well with the expanding and ramping up of the COVID-19 vaccinations considering there is still a significant number of the populous resistant to getting them and/or is actively pushing back.


This was much needed since our previous stimulus packages were paltry when compared to other developed nations  helping their general public. Granted we have a much larger population to consider, but then again we are the richest and have the largest economy. We could and should expect our administrations to perform above par. 


This takes me to the utter train wreck of the “infrastructure” bill…where to start. It is very vague and too many liberties have been taken in defining “infrastructure”. The definition should be precise and accurate. I like the amounts earmarked for federal funding for public transport, high-speed broadband, clean water and its related infrastructure, our electric grid, and strengthening our cyber security.


I am of two minds. My first mind wants a concise and targeted plan to close the loopholes in the tax code that allows mega-businesses and wealthy individuals to exploit it. The amount of tax revenue that goes uncollected because the IRS is underfunded and understaffed is ridiculous. According to the current IRS Commissioner the government is losing to the tune of one trillion dollars a year. A T.R.I.L.L.I.O.N

My second mind still believes 28% (corporate tax) is not a massive increase. One thing I like is that the spending programs will not be funded by wealth tax similar to what Senator Warren introduced which is just too broadly defined, almost comical.


There is a good reason Afghanistan is called, “The place where empires go to die.” World history is full of examples going back to 500 BC. This is a tough one. We went to Afghanistan without a plan regarding how or when we would leave and how and what those places would look like once we did leave. It is such a multi-faceted issue that deserves its own article, but yes we should leave, but the last time we did, we know the results. So, it has to be done right.

We have to cover all the bases. We have to identify the correct t’s and i’s and then cross all those t’s and dot all the i’s. This cannot and should not be a hasty decision. The administration should take a long hard look before putting a date down on a paper.

“I like the amounts earmarked for federal funding for public transport, high-speed broadband, clean water and its related infrastructure, our electric grid, and strengthening our cyber security.” Umer R. Ranjha


And yes, I must admit I do not miss the tweets and the related “fanfare” to say the least.


My thoughts about President Biden’s first 100 days…so far, somewhere between 5 and 6 on the pain scale.

Umer R. Ranjha
Gun toting, V8 driving, food loving, Constitution Loving, sensible aspiring Centrist!
ReelUrbanNews.com guest op-ed writer.

Cynthia Shaffer, National Editor for Reel Urban News contributed to this Op-Ed.

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