Home Reel Legal Beat PRIVATE PRISON



I always hear the saying, history repeats itself. I’m a true believer of this, so when I hear people say, that slavery will never happen again in America, I cringe. They also say, history doesn’t repeat but rhymes. So What I’m seeing, is history repeating and rhyming, in the form of the incarceration of Black men at an alarming rate.

I’ve never even heard of private prisons in America until recently. I was under the impression, that all prisons were run by the Federal Government. My questions are:

How do private prisons make money?
Who actually owns these prisons?
Specifically, who are the CEO’S and Board of Directors?
Who finance/funded these private prisons?
What role does the Federal Government play in all of this?

Something just doesn’t seem right, how can the Black population in America be at 12 % yet in certain prisons are the majority. There seems to be a connection with private prisons and the corralling of Black men being stuffed in every prison they can find.

It’s interesting how businesses all across the country are going out of business but you never hear of private prison’s going out of business.

There are thousands of vacant retail stores but you never hear of private prisons having vacant jail cells.

I don’t know about you but this looks and smells like History is repeating and rhyming again.

By: Robert Johnson


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