recently spoke with participants of Social Media Week 9/2012 in Los Angeles, California. The global event provided an opportunity to speak with a traditional media content producer, Douglas Deluca as co-executive producer of Jimmy Kimmel Live, who shared the importance of social media in relationship to traditional television production. “An artist like Jimmy has to communicate with his fans and his audience, and nowadays people don’t want to just come to the show for that, they want to communicate at all times. They want to see content when they want it and where they want it. Social Media helps us reach those people.” Douglas Deluca, Jimmy Kimmel Live

In addition to speaking with Deluca, spoke with several thought leaders, who provided insight into the relevance of social media in terms of influence, technology, responsibility and content ownership. “It’s more like access and control and buy in. As African Americans, we have been sold and marketed to everyone around the world as the best damn consumers there are. As a leader in social media and fashion, I teach my students about owning it and building it and then sharing it. We have to put an ownership model together before we publish it. Brain McKinney, Professor, FIDM