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Stopped In The O.C.


Okay so it’s been a year since my last time blogging and I have to say that a lot has happened. I have almost gotten through my break up with my girlfriend, I am almost finished with school (Cal State Fullerton) and I have learned that I have more talent than I ever realized. As poet and writer, for me, writing is a very personal experience; I can honestly say that creative writing is some of the most fun I have even had.

For the purpose of ReelUrbanNews.com, I feel that I should be explaining my experiences going to school in a city like Fullerton. To be blunt about it, I will be telling the story of what it’s like being “Black in Orange County.” It is not easy to be black in a city like Fullerton and it actually gets ever more difficult when you travel to neighboring cities like Brea, Yorba Linda and Anaheim Hills. As nice and welcoming Orange County can seem to some people, it can be very cold and withholding.

I am 24 years old and now I feel like I have things under control, but every once I a while something comes up to remind me of where the fuck I am. Fullerton in 2012 is like the way my grandfather describes the South in the 60’s, the weather is unpredictable and there is a city-wide curfew for colored people. It sounds like I’m being over dramatic, but I am very serious. We talk about what it’s like driving while black, but that idea is more real than some people think.

There is a street called “Placentia” near Cal State Fullerton that has gotten itself a bad reputation. Whenever a friend of mine is talking about getting their monthly harassment by the local police, it almost always takes place on this street. The police in Fullerton have made it clear that Placentia is a white only street and they are not kidding around. I have been pulled over on this street so many times I have stopped counting. The sad thing, besides the fact that I am a very good driver, is that this street is very useful to us students; there is an In-N-Out on one end and several gas stations and a grocery store on the other.

If there was another way to navigate through the city and visit these places without taking Placentia- We still would take Placentia. There is no law that says we as black student are not allowed to use this street and we will continue to cruise this street as much as we like. We are beautiful, educated, strong black people and will not be controlled by a little traffic stop by a racist organization like the Fullerton Police Department. I am Robert Aaron Collins and I will be heard……. Yeah, that’s the reason I need to blog.

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