Something For Sunday

By Robert Jones


When trying to answer the question “Why are you thankful?” it can be hard to pinpoint the reasons for which your sentiments of gratitude exist. Because of this difficulty, it is probably best to first answer the question which is assumed to be true when we ask, “Why are you thankful?” That question is, “Are you thankful?”

This more fundamental question is where the true significance lies and forces us to take inventory of ourselves and be honest about where we are mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We are in a time of uncertainty as the threats of world war, hyperinflation and economic recession loom large. 

The political and personal implications of this triad or travesty can cause us to think only of survival. How will we afford groceries? How will we afford gas? Will we be laid off? These are the questions that consume our mental activity and leave little room for gratefulness. 

Because of the situation in which we find ourselves, we must first answer the question, “Are we grateful?” It is difficult to hold ourselves accountable in this manner. We all like to think of ourselves as men and women of perspective with the ability to preserve a thankful outlook even though we are faced with challenging times. 

Maybe you have been able to see the silver lining in the surrounding clouds and can readily point to all that inspires a feeling of gratitude within. I, if I’m honest, have not always excelled in this behavior.

The state in which I find myself, the state in which you may have been as well, proves why the question before us is so powerful. Are we grateful? Not only does the question challenge the responder, but it also inspires, and brings to mind all the things for which we should be grateful. The question, like a magnifying glass, focuses our sight away from the blurry macro and brings clarity to the micro. By focusing on the people, places and things closest to us we find plenty of reasons to say yes, yes I am thankful.

Although there is war in the world, I am thankful for my moments of peace. Although inflation and economic uncertainty have impacted my finances, I am thankful for what I can buy. Although despair and loneliness are widespread, I am thankful to my friends and family and the hope that they inspire within me. 

Although I have failed many times, I am thankful for the opportunity to try again. Although it often seems like nothing is going right, I am thankful for life. I do not know what tomorrow will bring, none of us can. However, I know that the chance to experience whatever may come is reason enough to be thankful.

Robert Jones, M.A. Christian Apologetics is the Executive Pastor at Abundant Grace Ministries in Los Angeles. Robert is the Founder of Knowledge and Proclamation. Rob is the Something For Sunday Editor at

Robert Jones, M.A. Christian Apologetics is the Executive Pastor at Abundant Grace Ministries in Los Angeles. Robert is the Founder of Knowledge and Proclamation. Rob is the Something For Sunday Editor at