Home Reel Legal Beat WHY I’M THANKFUL



I don’t have to look around or contemplate reasons to be thankful. For that reason alone, I am grateful. My story is not one of being rescued from the brink of disaster, poverty, nor extreme adversity. My God has always provided and made a way out of no way. From the outside looking in, my life may have appeared to be easy. The truth is, I have had many trials and tribulations to overcome.

I recognize that many men and women that came before me smoothed out a lot of the bumps on the road that I would later travel. Civil Rights Activists marched and demonstrated and fought against racial discrimination and for equal rights so that today I can live where I want to live, attend any school, and obtain employment based on my qualifications. My brothers and sisters in the Armed Forces fight for my right to practice my religion without fear of persecution or prosecution.

I am thankful for the love and support of my mother and father who helped mold me into the man that I am today. I’m thankful for my wife, who takes care of our family and home and supports my ministry and me. For my children who still think of me as their hero. Who love me and are excited to see me when I come home, even if I just went to the grocery store and have only been gone for a few minutes.

I am thankful for the men’s ministry that I am a part of and the brothers that pray with me and for me, cry with me, and allow me to be transparent without being judgmental. This same group of men that will hold me accountable to live up to a standard of righteousness that God has called his people to live up to.

I wish I could thank everyone that has ever prayed for me or encouraged me to do something that I didn’t think I could do. I’m especially grateful for those that to me that I couldn’t do certain things whose disbelief inspired me to prove them wrong and to reach for things I thought were unattainable.

I am thankful for every failure, for every trial and obstacle that caused me to stretch and to step outside of my comfort zone. I’m thankful for every open door, recommendation, and opportunity that afforded me the life that I have today.

And last but not least, I am thankful for you taking the time to read my thoughts and affording me the opportunity to share my gratitude.

God bless!

By: Jack Stewart, III
Guest Contributor

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