Home Media & Arts First Presidential Debate, Far Off What Americans Need

First Presidential Debate, Far Off What Americans Need


Everyone is asking the same question.

Who was victorious following Wednesday night’s presidential debate at the University of Denver, between President Barak Obama and Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney?

Many critics would be quick to say Romney held his own during this debate and was sharply on point with his answers. While President Obama, seemed a bit rusty and was perceived as not wanting to be there. Yet who can blame the man as he celebrated 20-years of being married to First Lady Michelle Obama that very same day.

The real winner and looser of the debate wasn’t Obama or Romney, but Jim Lehrer, moderator or the debate and Sesame Street’s Big Bird.

The host of PBS’s The News Hour, was seen by many as loosing control of debate. Allowing Obama and Romney to ignore time and by asking less than straightforward questions to both. However, Lehrer is no rookie as he has moderated a dozen of presidential debates since 1988.

When Lehrer later told Obama, that his two minutes were up, the president reacted by telling Lehrer, “No, I think I had five seconds before you interrupted me,” and continued to finish his answer.

Lehrer later asked both candidates about the economy; Romney explained his plan to cut off non-essential items of the budget. He went on explaining he would cut the number of government employees and cutting off subsidy to programs not critical enough to barrow money from China.

Romney told Lehrer, “I’m sorry Jim. I’m gonna stop the subsidy to PBS. I’m gonna stop other things. I like PBS, I like Big Bird, I actually like you too.”
Romney’s mentioning of Sesame Street’s Big Bird made the eight-foot, yellow bird go viral and trend in the twittersphere. Perhaps the last thing Big Bird wanted was to be the part of the debate but he really stirs the social media world.

Wednesday night’s debate according to many was perhaps the best performance from Romney to date. The truth is that style and performance is not going to erase ridiculous statements or win Ohio and Florida, which are essential for him to stay in the game. He needs those two swing states to catch up to Obama in order to win.

While Obama, has strong support of women, Hispanics and African Americans, he really needs to keep swing states such as Colorado in play. He shouldn’t let his “A” game down, especially nearly a month away from elections.

The next debate will be a between Vice President Joe Biden and Republican candidate Paul Ryan on Thursday October the 11th at Centre College in Danville in Kentucky.

By: Rubi Martinez
Social and Political Blogger

Twitter: @rubicriss


  1. Do you think people will forget about a less than stellar outing for Obama if he “brings it” next debate. Additionally, will people forget about the second debate once the third on comes along do you think?

  2. Jim Lehrer was the exasperated parent refereeing two brothers. All the moderators get run over, so the attention on Lehrer is quite telling. I actually appreciated his try at presenting a different debate format. And for once, most importantly, I didn’t sense a bias from the moderator. THAT’S what’s telling!

    Since President Obama’s performance was less than stellar, folks are re-directing attention to Lehrer. If the President would have done well I doubt there would be this much heat (if any) on Lehrer. I say to Lehrer, “Bravo! And welcome to my world!”

    p.s. As for OH and FL– Romney’s up over the President in the polls. I know, I know…no one takes those polls seriously!

  3. If anyone is to blame for obama’s bomb at the debate is none other than obama. Instead of studying Romney, he decided to to hang out with Jayz, book a spot on tongue dragging hosts like Letterman and Leno. Lets not forget stopping to see Hoover dam. No instead he thought he could waltz up on stage and “woo” the people like he did in ’08. But there was one thing he didn’t prepare to happen. Someone questioning his record in the last 4 years. But why should he? This man was coddled by the media, picked what questions he wanted to answer and had someone else write what to say to his mislead flock. He lived in a virtual bubble. So obama has no onerous blame but himself. But what happened? Once again the media came to his rescue. But this time, hey TRIED to spin the debate. Blaming altitude and racism.

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