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The Great Debate


This year’s political season has been “more of the same” especially if you’re a cynical observer of today’s critical time. In pro sports we get to see rematches or multiple game series. This gives us a true snapshot of who’s really the better team, because the two opposing teams have an opportunity to make adjustments.

The debate between President Obama and Gov. Romney, is akin to a riveting sports series. Instead of a seven game series America is on the edge of its seat watching a best of three debate series which most in the country would say is tied at 1-1 following last night’s debate. Obama looked Presidential as he forcefully denounced many of the falsehoods that Mitt Romney tried to pin on Obama’s Presidency. This debate was a game changer in the sense of allowing people to see that Obama is a forceful leader when backed into a corner. In fairness Gov. Romney proved to be a worthy challenger to the seat of the Presidency, hitting President Obama on unfulfilled promises.

The diverse voting constituencies got a much clearer picture of the contrasting differences of what type of administration both men may intend to have. But the question remains, will it really move America forward? Will corporation continue to receive corporate welfare while hiding profits overseas? Will average Americans continue to buy into the rhetorical message of lower taxes on big business creates jobs?

The Presidential election is not the true answer to those questions but in last night’s debate both candidates sold us on their philosophies amiably. This best of three series will be decided in the upcoming weeks. Which candidate will emerge victorious? In the words of Terell Owens “Get your popcorn ready”!!!

By Andrew Patton
The Sports Kritik @ http://tobtr.com/s/2110719

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